Decluttering Your life Part 1

Part 1 of the Series

Do you sometimes feel flustered, overwhelmed, or like you’re about to break down? It’s possible that the reason may be there is clutter in your home, particularly in your bedroom.

Waking up in a clean environment and going to work in one, has been proven to have a psychological impact on your mental well-being and happiness. It can have effects on different aspects of your life such as your productivity levels, your relationships and your health. Therefore, it’s no surprise that keeping a clean and clutter-free environment in your home, your bedroom, workplace and even your computer will help you become more efficient, more productive, healthier, and most of all happier.

To add to that, by choosing to organize the various aspects of your life you will get a sense of being more in control of it, which according to Olivia Remes from the University of Cambridge, is one of the ways that will help you increase your happiness and reduce your anxiety.

Still not convinced? Here is a little about my personal experience.

When I decided to get myself organized I realized that even though it seemed I had my life under control, a lot of things were disorganized. Particularly, my computer which includes all of my work and every aspect of my businesses and even my personal life. So, I decided to take a step back and go through everything from my documents to my bank accounts to my passwords, my computer documents, to the bedroom I was sleeping in, man you name it.

As a result, my mind felt clear. My priorities became clear. I was able to truly focus in the present and prioritize my tasks and actions according to what I knew was important to me. As soon as that clarity, whatever problems or situations came my way throughout my daily life, they would no longer throw me off my game as much as they used to. Most of all the feeling was awesome, which is why I am here today to share with you how I organize my life. I have turned them into a blog series of steps for you to follow so you can easily start taking action today.

For the purpose of step one, let’s start with your bedroom. I personally prefer to start with the bedroom because this is where I rest and this is where I come to relax after a day of work, a particularly productive day, or after sport… It’s my recovery time, it is my time to reflect and my time to get deep into my sleep. So, I would recommend starting with the bedroom.

4 Steps to a Decluttered Home

Step 1: Decluttering Your Bedroom

  1. Make your bed every morning. Making your bed in the morning is awesome because after your day, no matter what has happened, you have this wonderful bed to come home to and sleep in. This is something to be grateful for, and remember, the more you’re able to feel gratitude, the happier you will feel.
Clean Made Bed

Step 2: Decluttering Your Closet

  1. If you like clothes, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a woman or man, you look at your closet every day and pick an outfit to wear on a daily basis. Hence, you should definitely organize your closet next.

I, personally, follow the Marie Kondo way. There are plenty of methods out there as well, such as the Feng Shui method which is one of the more popular ones. Whichever method you choose to organize your closet, dedicate either one to a few evenings after work or sometime early morning (depending on how much closet space and how many clothes you have) to organizing it. Due to the current situation, a lot of us may have a little bit more freedom with our time as we stay home in quarantine, so this is the time to organize your closet!

Spacious Minimalistic Organized Closet

Step 3: Decluttering Your Cupboards and Shelves

  1. If you have cupboards or shelves, have a look and check whether there is anything on top of them. If there is, on a scale of 1 to 10 how organized is it? If the number that popped into your head is below 8, then you should probably organize it. 

When it comes to organization I prefer minimalism all the way. This means the less there is on top of the furniture the better, and whatever does end up on top should have a purpose for being there.

Organized Living Area Cupboards and Shelves

Step 4: Organizing Your Jewelry and Accessories 

  1. For the women and men who like jewelry and accessories – full disclosure I am a huge jewelry addict and I do treasure my jewelry – there are ways to organize them. When I was in Bangkok I organized them in cute Japanese-inspired containers, something I bought from the thrift shop. 
Organized Jewelry Box

Now that I am in Chiang Mai I have access to necklace hangers as well as a container. You can even recycle old containers, such as your Macbook box (just paint over it to add a personal touch), or wooden containers if you have access to them! This doesn’t mean that you have to use my way to organize, you should find a way that makes you feel happy when you look at your jewelry and how they are stored.

Minimalistic Bedside Table Organization

Some Final Notes Before You Start Your Journey

Once your room has been organized, you may feel this sense of relief. Almost like breathing in your first breath of fresh air after a while. Now, doesn’t it feel so much nicer to walk into your bedroom and experience that welcoming feeling?

Depending on where you live, you may have a living room, a kitchen, the front porch, a TV room, and whatever other room, I would like to suggest organizing these rooms one at a time. 

What this means is spreading out your schedule, and organizing yourself so that you could fit in either one to two hours of cleaning a day until you have organized each room. 

I will be continuing on this blog series so that we cover more aspects including other rooms of your home, your computer, and even how to deal with decluttering if you are sharing your space with others!

Now that you know where to start and how to start, go, and make your way to the bedroom and get a move on! If you’d like to find out techniques on how to actually organize your living room, kitchen, dining room, computer, computer files and organizing in the cloud such as Google Drive, or any other room the minimal way, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned for blog updates!

If you have feedback or comments, feel free to write it in the comment section. 

One last thing before you go: Take a deep breath, close your eyes, set an intention to declutter your bedroom so that it makes you happy every time you walk in it… and START!

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